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The A&A Ulmann Fund supports Asedeme, which provides assistance to children suffering from mental disabilities in Senegal.

For the past thirty years, the Asedeme association (Association Sénégalaise pour la protection des Enfants Déficients Mentaux) has been working to help integrating young adults with mental disabilities. To this end, it created two medico-educational institutes, the Aminata Mbaye centres in Dakar and Saint-Louis. Each year, 150 youths are welcomed and taken care of..

Asedeme has implemented a teaching approach adapted to these children who are often cast aside by Senegalese society. The classes are enhanced by workshops allowing the students to discover different manual activities e.g. sewing, cooking, gardening. The professional integration of these young adults assisted by the Aminata Mbaye centres is facilitated by this wide range of activities.

Today, 30 former students have found in optimal working conditions through permanent and temporary contracts or internships, thanks to 12 Dakar-based companies or structures committed to their integration.

The aid provided to Asedeme by the A&A Ulmann Fund will enable the construction of three more rooms to welcome more children in the Grand Yoff Aminata Mbaye centre in Dakar. The Embassy of Luxembourg, the Stewart Macmillan Foundation, Patrick Thélot, CEO of Armonia, the Vicat Group, Sococim Industries, and Gécamines, are also involved in this project.